Friday, 14 June 2013

Tips for Writing Your Blog


Whether you are blogging for business applications, or for personal growth, the process of writing daily is a rewarding activity in many ways. The individual writer is able to benefit from the satisfaction that is gained from personal reflection. Blogs afford the writer the means to distribute information and ideas everywhere the internet can reach. For the business, blogs enable a conduit within which real time feedback and communication with customers can occur, as well as dissemination of information in order to bolster a company’s credibility with peers and customers.

When it comes to writing a blog, there are various techniques that one can employ. One such technique is the implementation of Search Engine Optimization methods, where by the blog is ranked higher in search engines through manipulation of how the algorithms work. This is usually done by careful cross linking, adding blog keywords, including terms similar in meaning, and other similar steps.

Choosing the keywords for blog posts can also serve to provide focus to writing. Knowing the keywords for a blog’s post of the day will enable you to make sure your post stays on point. You can also use the keywords to make sure that you are not very repetitive, by avoiding using the same keywords constantly. You can use the keywords to ensure that your posts cover a variety of topics, even within a particular area of interest.

Another writing tip is to make sure you are posting in great frequency, with at least a post a day. If that cannot be managed, then one should at the very least shoot for a couple of posts over a week. Traffic to a blog tends to be proportionate to how often one posts in the blog. The posts should have value and be interesting and relevant. One should not write just to write, there should be meat to blog postings.

The average web reader will have 96 seconds worth of focus. That means they will read your posts for only about a minute and a half. So blog posts should be short and to the point, making sure that the most important information appears at the beginning. Well written posts will captivate the interest of the readers, and be within three to six hundred words in length.

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In line with keeping posts short, limit posts to one important topic. Scatter shot posting will fail to keep interest for very long. Rather, the successful blogger will keep postings focused on single points. If there are multiple directions you wish to cover, turn them into blog posts, and distribute them over the week. This will help to make sure that postings stay regular, especially during those patches of time where writers block can hit.

One of the most important decisions the blogger can make is the domain and blog titles. This is essentially branding, creating a name that is memorable to your readers and will give them avenue to keep returning to your blog. It should be on point, related to the theme of your blog, and well thought out.

Tips for Writing Your Blog

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