Monday, 3 June 2013

SEO Tips for Blog Traffic Generation


While it may be true to say content is king when it comes to blog publishing, the truth is that writing your blog content is not by far the only thing that you should be focusing on when it comes to attracting a readership following. Quality SEO, or search engine optimization, is an important aspect of attracting a blog following as well. If you do not implement quality SEO on your blog, then your blog is going to remain as a well kept secret, where it would be all content and very little readerships.

Many bloggers may not be aware of it, but when it comes to tips for blog traffic, there are actually a number of SEO tips that are going to come in handy, allowing you to turn any ordinary blog into a site that is highly trafficked.

Strategic Keyword Placement -

Search engines like Google as well as Yahoo are ranking websites based on strategically placed keywords.

  • Your title tag should incorporate your primary keyword in it in order to be ranked higher in search engines.

  • The heading tags in your content are also crawled, meaning that your headers should also feature your top keywords as often as possible.

  • While the images on your blog will be ignored by the search engines, the text descriptions that you use for your images will not be. Make sure that you use keywords in your ALT tags describing the images in your blog posts.

  • When linking to other pages in your blog or to other websites, make sure that you use keyword-rich links because search engine spiders pay particular attention to the keywords that you use in your links.

  • Make sure that you are achieving the right keyword count to preserve density of keywords. You should have a keyword density of about 3% for each of the content pieces that you write. Any more than this could be annoying to your readers, and any less will not impress the search engines that spider your blog posts.

  • Incorporate as many keyword synonyms as you can as search engines are friendly toward them. Use synonyms for your most important keywords to limit the monotony in your keyword usage while optimizing your blog site further.

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Linking to Obtain Ranking -

Establish quality links in your blog, especially links that are incoming from other websites. When you get competitor sites to link to you, this builds more authority for your blog in the eyes of the search engines. Try to get your site listed on other websites in your niche as well as directories and similar sites for more authority.

Search Engine Algorithms -

Different search engines are going to index and rank different websites based on unique algorithms. Most SEO tips for blog traffic are going to be common among all search engines but Google has its own unique algorithm that allows it to favor additional SEO tips as well, including sitemaps which are used to index websites and blogs. Using a robots.txt file is another popular methodology that will help you tell search engines what part of your website you want indexed and do not want indexed.

SEO Tips for Blog Traffic Generation

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