Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Mistakes to Avoid When Blogging For Business


Most businesses today recognize the power of blogging and are using it to their advantage. Everyone from the bigger companies to much smaller businesses are taking advantage of the free advertising and wonderful increase to website traffic that can be gained from successful blogging. There are some mistakes that you should avoid if you are blogging for your business. Unfortunately, these mistakes have been learned the hard way, but you can learn to avoid these mistakes before they happen to you.

The most common mistake that people who are Internet marketing make is only blogging when there is available time. Anyone who is working in Internet marketing knows that there is no extra time and blogging must be scheduled. If you want your blogging efforts to be successful, you must blog with consistency. The readers of your blog will soon become tired of waiting for the next time you have available time to update your blog and move on. This is lost traffic for you that may never return again.

Poorly written content on your blog makes you sound unprofessional. A blog is intended to establish you as an expert. How much of an expert can you be if the content of your blog is full of grammar and spelling mistakes? Take a little time to go over the content before you post it to make sure that the typos are all corrected and everything is grammatically correct. This will protect your image as an expert in your field.

Allow your blog readers to comment on your content. Many people are so afraid of negative comments that they simply don’t allow them at all. Blog readers love to have the ability to voice their own opinion on the content on your blog. If they find that they can’t comment, they will simply move on from your blog to one that allows them to make comments. You can always filter the comments and approve the ones that you want. At least your readers will have the option.

Your blog must link to your website or products that you are selling online. Why do you have a blog? Chances are it is to sell your product and increase the traffic to your website. However, if you don’t link to your website and finish the job, you are just wasting your time and effort.

Do not stuff your blog with keywords. They must flow through the content naturally or people will see the blog as nothing more than a piece of marketing material. Quality marketing does not appear to be marketing and a sales pitch should never sound like a sales pitch. The readers of your blog should be interested in the content and never feel as though they are being marketed to or you will lose them.

If you learn these mistakes and avoid them like the plague, you will increase the traffic to your website and gain the business that you want and need. It is very competitive online and avoiding these mistakes will avoid some very costly mistakes.

Mistakes to Avoid When Blogging For Business

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